
What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer when you visit certain websites.

We use cookies for the website and subdomains – whereby we ask the user for their consent, where this is expressly required by law or other relevant provisions – in order to make navigation easier for the user and to personalize the information transmitted to the user. We also use appropriate systems to collect information about the user, such as their IP address, the browser used and the operating system and / or websites visited by a user for security and statistical purposes.
If you decide to deactivate or reject cookies, you may not be able to access some parts of the website and associated subdomains, or they may not function properly.

In order to ensure a complete and problem-free use of this website, you should set up your browser to accept these cookies. Cookies do not pose any danger to your computer, tablet or smartphone. The cookies generated by do not contain any personal data that can be used to identify the user, only encrypted data.

Types of cookies used:

The website and associated subdomains use the following types of cookies:

Technical cookies
These cookies enable navigation on the website and the use of its functions. Without cookies, you may not be able to access these features or they may not work properly.
The absolutely necessary cookies are used to store an identifier so that we can clearly assign each user and provide a uniform and precisely coordinated service.

Performance cookies
These cookies can come from ourselves or from one of our partners; These can be session cookies or permanent cookies. They are only for website performance and improvement. These cookies do not collect information that can be used to identify the user. All information collected using these cookies is summarized in an anonymous form and only used to improve the functionality of the website

Functional cookies
Cookies are usually placed on his computer as a result of an action by the user, but they can also be received if the user is offered a service without having been expressly requested to do so. They can be used to prevent the same service from being offered to the same user more than once. In addition, these cookies enable the website to track user decisions. The information collected by these cookies is anonymous and cannot be used to assess user behavior on other websites.

Third party cookies for marketing purposes
These cookies are used by partners of to display our advertising when you visit other websites and, for example, to display the products that you last viewed on our website. These cookies can also be used to show products that may interest you or that are similar to other products that you have previously viewed. These cookies are not associated with the processing of personal data, but can enable access to the browser that is installed on your computer or other devices.

Disable cookies
Data protection laws give users the option to deactivate cookies (“opt out”) that are already installed on their device. This option applies to “technical cookies” (Art. 122 of the Italian Data Protection Act) and other cookies that the user has previously accepted (“opt in”). The user can deactivate and / or delete cookies based on browser settings (“opt out”)

How to disable cookies

Internet Explorer
Block or allow all cookies

Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Start button and then clicking Internet Explorer.
Click the Tools button, and then click Internet Options.
Click the Privacy tab, and then under Settings, move the slider up to block all cookies or down to allow all. Then click OK.
Blocking cookies can result in some websites not being displayed correctly.
To block cookies from all websites, do the following:

Click the menu button and choose Settings.
Go to the Privacy section.
Put the selection list next to Firefox will create a chronicle: on according to user-defined settings.
Remove the check mark for cookies

Durch die weitere Nutzung der Seite stimmst du der Verwendung von Cookies zu. Weitere Informationen

Die Cookie-Einstellungen auf dieser Website sind auf "Cookies zulassen" eingestellt, um das beste Surferlebnis zu ermöglichen. Wenn du diese Website ohne Änderung der Cookie-Einstellungen verwendest oder auf "Akzeptieren" klickst, erklärst du sich damit einverstanden.
